The scope of the project
BOP control system and ringline Hydraulic system with accociated equipment on Njord A.
Work task
Overhaul, repair, recertification and function testing of:
- Hydraulic pumps for ringline system, with valve blocks
- Recertification/overhaul of BOP control panel and all associated equipment
- Overhaul/rep. of Triplex pumps
- Plumbing, pressure testing and flushing of new pipelines
Challenges and solutions
Old and discontinued equipment- Find the right suppliers, as well as find the right replacement products where existing old products hace been phased out. Get produced gaskets with the right quality.
Lots of old plumbing, where4 there were leaks and which could not be repaired. Produced new pipes according to customer requirements and standard. And this in different dimentions and fittings.
- Customer:Archer AS
- Place:Njord A- Kværner Stord
- Year:2018 - 2020