Contact us
We repair, design and build most of what oil flows through. Contact our experts.
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Opening hours
Man-Fre: 0700 til 1500
Vi har 24/7 Vaktservice
We are always available during our opening hours. In special cases, you can always contact us via our 24/7 security service.

Hycom consists of a number of skilled professionals in various service areas.

Helene Kleppe

Roy Arne Birkeland

Tore Andreassen

Ole Johnny Støverstein

Adrian Løvik

Fridtjof Norstrand

Henrik Skråmestø

Knut Halvard Tysse

Thomas G. Ingvaldsen

Lars Erik Gjelseng

Martin Helgaset

Stian Skoge

Petter Dale

Roger Haavaldsen